you have summoned me here...
is there a reason?
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guiding light

ㅤname:ㅤ viria atellius-lascreia yillesen "atlas"
ㅤage:ㅤ 33 (EDW)
ㅤheight :ㅤ 6'0" / 183cm
ㅤgender/pronouns:ㅤ f / any
ㅤrace:ㅤ veena viera + keeper of the moon miqo'te
ㅤnameday:ㅤ 4th sun of the 1st astral moon (01/04)
ㅤguardian:ㅤ nymeia
ㅤbirthplace:ㅤ la noscea
ㅤoccupation:ㅤ warrior of light
ㅤalignment:ㅤ neutral good
ㅤmotifs:ㅤ sunlight, fire, rebirth, daybreak, the coming of spring, lilies, roses, mirrors, red string of fate
- about -
viria is an adventurer hailing from etheirys.
though regarded as the hero and savior of the realm,
she thinks of herself as a simple and modest traveler,
aiding others out of the love of her heart.throughout her ongoing and unending journey, she has befriended many allies, faced many foes, and overcome many challenges in a pursuit to seek her purpose and fulfill her deepest wish.
to live.viria is serene, elegant and full of energy.
she is bright like the sun. powerful like fire.
she warms people with her kindness.
her rage burns everything in her path.on the surface, viria appears like any other gentle soul, but there's more that meets the eye. deep down, she is harboring the dying remnants of the great dreadwyrm - bahamut. as his vessel, it is her ordeal that she carries the mantle as hydaelyn's chosen while wielding the power of the one who caused the devastating seventh umbral calamity.there are other aspects she has yet to truly uncover about herself until about recently...
- facts -
☼ a warrior of light reborn. not the same person who perished in the calamity yet dons the same body of her predecessor.☼ sees life in all things. thanks to her unusual aether powered by the dreadwyrm, viria can sense the life force of other matter.☼ the primals' catalyst. consumed the essence of the elemental eikons (minus shiva) to have their power at her beck and call.☼ aetherweaver. a fusion of summoner, gunbreaker, and sage that acts as her main job. she wields a gunblade but specializes in aetherial mimicry and manipulation.☼ specialist of the hand. self-proclaimed master botanist and alchemist. she grows and brews her own concoctions. dabbles in goldsmithing every now and then to upkeep her summoning gems.☼ childhood companion. befriended an opal carbuncle named ran who lost his aetheric form after swallowing her job crystal.☼ ex-scholar. due to personal reasons, she's a dropout from the studium at old sharlayan. currently, she has gotten back to become an archon under a new branch of study.☼ fluent in dragonspeak. because of bahamut's influence, she has a natural ability to understand and speak with dragonkin. they in turn refer to her as a fellow brother.☼ sensitive to touch. the sense that has been mostly affected by the aetherical changes in her body.☼ lover of sweets. her true weakness when it comes to her appetite. will forgo actual meals for a sugar rush.

the unending journey

viria's adventures started at the age of 18 when she wasn't even named viria at all. she went by the name of freya - the original warrior of light. her previous life is but a blur as the memories of the events leading to the calamity were all but erased. what she remembers is waking on the battlefield of the cartaneau flats under the red moon dalamud and hearing echoes of the mothercrystal.

a realm reborn.
five years later, at the age of 23, viria is recruited as the newest member of the scions of the seventh dawn. this starts her journey of becoming eorzea's champion. with hydaelyn's blessing, she gains newfound reputation as she triumphs over the primals (and inherits their power) and saves the realm from the might of the garlean empire. all eyes were on the her and though many hardships quickly arose, viria looks back fondly on her early days of her journey.

seeking refuge in ishgard, viria tries to accustom herself with life in the harsh cold after losing her allies during the bloody banquet. it is during this time where bahamut begins to stir from his slumber within her soul. not knowing what to do with this newly attained surge of power, viria attempts to try to usher and keep the peace between dragon and man, though it proved to be difficult with how much she's lost over this period of time.

picking up the pieces from her previous plight, viria has learned to quell some of the dreadwyrm's influence though it's still troubling her. her time as the hero is diminished this time around as she's come to question her role in the grand scheme of events to follow. her travels take her far and wide as she takes the time to reflect upon herself. for now, she plays as a fellow ally to revolution, aiding to those in need in both ala mhigo and doma.

just when she's found some understanding to her place in the world, viria's immediately swept into another shard to prevents its nearing doom. trapped in a reflection of her own world, she's placed back at square one as an unknown outsider made to uphold the title as the warrior of darkness. it's during this time when she's at her lowest - struggling to prove her worth as the hero for others once again. but through the trials, she's rekindled the flame burning deep within her once more.

a decade's worth of a journey comes to a close when viria saves etheirys from its own impending end. everything she's encountered in her adventures over the years culminates in her final hurrah to protect those she holds near and dear to her heart. yes, it was enjoyable. yes it was worthwhile. and across the horizon, there's more that awaits her.
at the crossroads
✧ | ✧ |
player | juniper |
age | 25+ |
dc + world | aether / gilgamesh |
time zone | pst |
hi, i'm juni and as you can tell, this is the ooc page. thanks for taking the time to read my character's caard. it's still a work-in-progress, but i'm trying to update it as much as i can!even though this caard may seem like more of an rp one, it's more to get my character's basic lore out there. i'm not the best when it comes to rp - let alone talking much in character at all. i'm just shy! i don't mind casual conversations, but please know i'm only getting back into the groove of it. thanks for understanding!